Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"Is College Worth It?" by Adam

In the article, “Is College Worth It?" written by Michelle Adam, Adam argues based on a study reported that a majority of Americans (57%) say that the higher education system in the U.S. fails to provide students with good value for the money (Adam 231). Adam supports this claim by giving numerous examples supported by the Pew Research Center, including telephone and online surveys. Adam further highlights that both surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center not only revealed that the majority of the public felt they were not getting a good value, but also disclosed a long-held belief about the importance of higher education also remained true. The intended audience for this article would be college students worldwide who may also hold the same perceptions on the value of college. 
In my own perception, this article is valid in many cases; mainly because I too am a college student. College is very expensive and it will make you question if it is really worth it. 
Adam’s arguments are strongly supported by her surplus use of statistics. With such numbers, Adam’s main reason for asking “Is College Worth It?” is the financial basis. She states this with textual support saying that “While the number of students attending college steadily rises in the U.S., the majority does not attend four-year colleges and the primary reason is financial" (Adam 232). Adam concludes that college is worth it, but this report reveals an urgent need for our nation to address the high cost and practical value of a college education that still remains out of reach for most Americans. 

Adam, Michelle. "Is College Worth It." Connection. Ed. Mary R. Lamb. N.p.: n.p., 2013. N. pag. 

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